Friday, November 1, 2013

A month of Sunday's?!

Have I really been gone that long?!(yes, I'm that southern :))

Yes, life has been crazy but honestly, I just didn't really have anything to write much about. I didn't care about exercising. All I wanted to do was eat. I think taking two sciences this semester was overwhelming in the beginning and was taking a toll on me physically and emotionally. But, the last couple of weeks I've been eating ALOT healthier and I believe it's making me feel better. 
My husband retrieved this thing from storage and I've been using it. A lot. And toning down the cardio. All summer I ran like a bloody clown with a knife was chasing me and I got nowhere. Seriously the scale never budged. So, hoping these weights will make some difference. And while I've only been lifting for about two weeks I kinda like how I feel which is is making me feel better about how I look!

In other news, we did take the kids TorTing last night! So, so much fun! The hubs and I loved this holiday before kids but now it's even better!!
 Just look how adorable they are! And they loved going door to door. If one got behind the other would tell 'em to 'hurry'.   It was so fun watching them get so excited over ALL the candy when we got home that I kinda let them go overboard with it. One night, right? Ugh, now I gotta tried to get rid of it and hope the font remember cause lord knows I don't need them stuff. Except for last night while watching a scary movie and drinking vodka after bed time. ;) 

Have a great weekend everyone!


Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend in a post.

So...did I ever mention that Labor Day weekend when I went to the lake and got some wasted that I didn't take a sip of alcohol(none, nada, zip) for a week?


Yeah, cause it was that bad. I don't remember anything past dinner. Which might have been the only food I had that day. Ha!

Seriously, though. I ratherly ever drink like that. With two babies it just isn't worth it to feel so miserable the next day. Not to mention the looks you get the next day and all the reminders of stupid shit you did and said. Seriously, just don't. Ugh.

So last night was my first taste of vodka in a week. Sunday night football and I felt better so I had a couple classes. It was great but the thought of it didn't make me want to hurl either! 

It was kinda a low key weekend. We took the kids to the local county fair. Yes, we're pretty redneck although we look normal for the most part. 

But the kids had such a great time! I mean look at their faces!
Yes, Luke is excited. Don't let his sober expression fool you.

We just stayed out about an hour and brought them, cleaned them up(this was a must) and put them to bed.

I had a crazy day on Saturday(blah) so much that it was hard to enjoy the Razorback came that night. So I ended my night early and went home to study for my first A&P exam. Fun times right there. 

Sunday I spent more time studying while babes took Luke to see Planes and Lil napped. I managed to get in a 2 mile run and JM revolution w/o. Felt like I had a great day but weighed myself this morning and I was at 160. Stab me in the eye! Weight is sooooo hard to get off. So this week I am gonna try HARDER to get back down to 155. I have noticed my jeans are getting snug do definitely not a choice. Please lord be with me. 

That's its today, folks! 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday! Shopping day!

I'm back in less than 12 hours y'all. Craziness right there.

This morning I let Luke go to school cause momma needed a break and also cause it's grandparents day and his Dede and Papa were going to have breakfast with him. He was way too excited about this.

I decided me and Lil needed to get out of the house so we went to the Rock for some shopping and lunch with daddy. Lunch was great. Shopping....not so much. She was EVERYWHERE! But Luke desperately needed a new pair of shoes. He's only had the one pair that he can wear to school for about 2-3 months now and they were pretty worn out. Even the husband mentioned that we might look into getting him some new ones which never happens. He thinks they own enough clothes. But between my work schedule and school and Lil hitting the terrible two's about 10 months early shopping has been the last thing on my mind as I've mentioned before. Once or twice. ;)
But look at these too cute Chucks I got him! I think they are gonna be so adorable with his razorback jersey he wears on game days!  

He also got a pair of New Balance but I'm not sure I'm loving them yet so we'll see. Nothing for Lil. I seriously have trouble deciding what to put her in every time we leave the house. Girlfriend should not need anything until it gets cold.
And don't let this pic fool you. She's a bundle of rottenness. ;)

And, on a different/fitness note, I kinda figured out why I wasn't losing any weight despite all the crazy work I thought I was putting in. Turns out when your running outside with a 30+ lb child/stroller you're probably not running as far or as fast as you think. I downloaded the app Runkeeper to my iphone. I wanted to know a little more about my distance and pace and since I don't have a Garmin (nor the money for one since I just spent $100 on one kid) I thought this app could work for now.  I don't think it's super accurate but close enough for a freebie. Anyway turns out I need to be upping my game a little for my outside runs.But now that I know I plan to do just that!

I also did really well this week with cutting out sugar and processed food. I did lose a couple lbs but we had pizza last night and Mexican for lunch. Womp, Womp. I'll get back to it starting tomorrow. I have a baby shower next weekend and a diet bet to still win! HA!

So off to do my run on the treadmill today! Gotta torch that cheese enchilada and taco!

Later folks!


Thursday, September 5, 2013

I'm a slacker.

I have been so terrible this week and last and the week before that and that. I know I say I'm gonna write more.

When I started this blog it was to not only be a weight loss/fitness blog but this is what the kids are up to and here are all our pictures. 

But I'm so tired.

Lil is such a handful these days.Most days I can barely stay awake to get homework done, I'm just so worn out from chasing her. If possible, we no longer do things such as going to the grocery store together or shopping because she will probably start throwing a temper tantrum at some point. Most of the time this will happen because she is wanting to sit in the grocery cart or her stroller. She wants to be running around getting in to everything around us.

This all basically means I stopped doing much of anything. Except shop for groceries. Which I've done after class a few times(8!!) just to avoid taking her.

I need to desperately go shopping. I need clothes. Looks like there's gonna be alot of online shopping in my future.

Sorry for the short post. I just wanted to explain why there haven't been any. Tomorrow we are taking the kids to the county fair. I will try to make everybody look decent for a few minutes just so I can snap a pic!


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Late again...

Late as in writing. Not late as in I might be preggers. Hells no. 

So I've had a crazy week with school and all. Trying to stay ahead with homework so that had me tied up every free second I had from babies. Which isn't much. 

So, me and Lil have taken to running outside. We started this back the beginning of August when we had that random cool front come through. Ever since Lil came along I've been running on the treadmill cause it was just easier but now that I've gotten back out there I realized how much I missed it! So on days Luke goes to school(3x a week) we load up and go. And, since its so hot again we've been loading up and DRIVING to the local park where it's nice and shaded. You know, for the baby. ;)
        Me and Lil after a 3 1/2 miler!

Seriously, it's been so hard to go back to the treadmill. So on days Luke is home I usually just do strength/weights. But I'm terrible about actually getting in a good weight session so I will you tube some moves I need to do first. 

Well, while you tubing so moves this week I came across this.......
Yes, it's phase 2 but that's ok! It was hard but I knew a lot of the moves already. I mean, there's really not much I haven't seen or attempted at some point. (I just don't follow through, hehe) it was a great 35 minute workout! I've already done it twice this week AND gotten in about 7 miles. 

But! My diet has not changed. I just don't have that motivation right now, y'all. I know I've told y'all I eat when I'm stressed but I watched an episode of 'the kardashian's'(i'm so ashamed to admit that) last night and heard Khloe say she's  an 'emotional eater'. OH MY GAWSH!! It hit home. I eat with all my emotions! How do you learn to control that?! And, I feel like lately my emotions are all over the place!

I've actually thought about talking to my doctor about some anti-depressants or an anxiety medication. I don't think I'm necessarily depressed just sometimes I'm so overwhelmed it makes think I'm am? Following me there? 

Sorry, didn't mean to go so deep there. Running has always been an outlet for me but lately not so much. I think staying at home is playing a huge part in all this. I've never considered myself a sahm type. 

Just food for thought for now though. Ill try to make tomorrow post a little light! :)



Thursday, August 22, 2013

Major Fail

So Tuesday I wrote how I was trying to eat healthier but have been caving halfway through the week. 

Wednesday, I did it again. 

For some reason I just felt overwhelmed. I didn't want to exercise, I didn't want to worry about what I was eating, I just needed to not have to think about any of that. 

I'm not sure why either but I did have both kids home and neither of them wanted to sleep. And workout time is usually during nap time. 

So I tried to do a JM tape after Lil took her short nap but she wasn't having it. So I ate a bite of cake and tried not to stress over it. 

And it looks as though today is going to go the same way.  My house is a mess and the kids are driving me crazy. 

FML. Sometimes. :( 

Today I will not cave to the cake though. I had 3 turkey tacos on corn tortillas and having grilled salmon for dinner. I will behave today. And hopefully get in some squats. :) 



Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Whoa is

Look at me, writing on a Tuesday!

Today I have my first A&P class. So excited and nervous at the same time! There were a couple folks in my Biology class that were hoping to get in also, so, hoping there will be some familiar faces.

But today I'm wanting to talk about my weigh/diet.

Have you ever been at a point where you really want to break through the plateau the first part of the week and the second part of the week you convince yourself your very happy with yourself only to start back to the beginning of the week and realize you have got to get yourself under control? Holyrunonsentence.

So, yes, this is where I'm at. I desperately want to get back in the 140's but just can't seem to find the motivation. I'm still running regularly and incorporating about 20 minutes/3x's a week of strength training.

But none of that matters when you can't get your diet under control.

So that is what I'm hoping to work on starting this week(yesterday). I've done pretty well so far only slipping once to have an Oreo cookie that Luke wanted me to buy. Last night I bought a bag of Archer Farms Black and White Trail Mix. I measured half a cup and will set it out so when I need a chocolate fix, I can grab a piece or two. Hoping this will deter me from the Oreo cookies in the cabinets.

And, tonight I have class from 4-8:40 so I'm going to have to make sure I eat things that are filling right before I go in or otherwise I'll end up binging on double cheeseburgers the second I get out. Like last Saturday when I finally ended my work day without eating almost all day wolfing down a chicken fajita wrap in about 2.3 seconds. And I may be being generous with the time on that.

So, if even out there has any words of encouragement or would like to hold a gun to my head and force me to eat the right things please do so!!

Until next time...


Friday, August 16, 2013

Catching up on Life.

So sorry to be gone so long! Everyday I kept telling myself I would write and everyday the day just got away.This is my last day before school starts so I've decided to use it for ME time. Some Sex and the City reruns and blogging. LOVE!

Last week we were away on vacation and I really didn't think about writing much. I wanted to but like I said, the days went quickly. We rented a lake house about an hour from where we live. Babes and I own an ancient boat that we now only use sparingly. Back in the pre-baby days we were out almost every weekend so it was nice to have a house on the lake and get some use out of it. My sweet mother-in-law was with us and it was so nice to have the extra hands with the babies! We didn't take them out but once or twice because I tend to be a helicopter mom when around water. Seriously, not even life jackets calmed my worries.
We did have a great time despite the water worries though! We celebrated birthdays with cupcakes(because Luke thinks everyone wants cupcakes) and stayed up way too late every night!
                      Say cheese!
                   Cupcake faces!

It definetly wasn't the same as the last few times we've rented this house, with laying out in the sun all day, but I wouldn't change it. Watching my babies swimming and just having a great time was wonderful. I think even they realized it was vacation! 
               Luke and his BF Bella.

 My break from school has been fabulous but it's time to start back. This week I've been preparing for my classes. After much waiting and watching, I got into the Anatomy and Physiology class I was needing! I really did love my  Biology class so I'm looking forward to actually taking a science class and having time to learn it all and not squeeze it into an 8-week period.

So y'all really haven't missed out much here.

 My husband did axe ask if I wanted to do a weight loss challenge with him that didn't for once include sexual favors as the reward. In stead it was a dinner challenge. The person who loses has to cook, clean and bathe the kids every night for a week. I'LL TAKE IT! Lol It's 10 lbs in 6 weeks. Totally doable! 

So that it for us!



Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I survived!

Hi everyone! I'm back! Last week was a really rough week. I had my Biology finals and I LIT-terally spent every waking second that I wasn't chasing kids with my nose crammed in a book. It was the worst week ever. EVER. But I did finish with a B and I took it and ran far away. Haha. Seriously, I pray that I never have to do another summer class again.
                  My happy face!!!

I did finish the class on Thursday which was a nice start to my weekend! We were suppose to go to a friend's house on Saturday for some pool fun and a cookout but Luke woke up at 3am Saturday morning with fever so him and I stayed home while daddy and Lil went. It was a good time with just me and him though. We went and got a pizza and some ice cream and watched a movie together. I love having some one-on-one time with my sweet boy. I get lots of alone time with Lil but hardly any with Luke so it was nice!
              Chillin with my homey. :)

Monday night one of my neighbors hostted a ladies night so that we could all get a chance to know each other. I don't know if Ive mentioned this but my neighborhood is really new. I think the oldest house on the block is less than two year old. We've been here about a year and were probably about the 10th or so couple here. So we've watched a lot of folks move in. BUT, I'm not exactly the most social person so I haven't really gotten to know anyone. It was kinda of an odd party. There were definetly some stuffy ladies. And, I felt like one lady just had it out for me. She just kept making remarks every time I would say something or she'd pretend like I hadn't said something. I'm not sure if I offended her the first 15 minutes I was there and maybe she wanted to get back at me. I don't know. Either way, she has the ugliest house on the block, so there. HaHa!

Other than that odd night, nothing much happening. I have decided to try to have a cleaner diet. I normally eat semi clean anyway but I had started to have too much sugar on a daily basis. So, time to go hard core with it. It's been difficult cutting everything out-I have had a Hostess powdered doughnut both days-but I'm doing my best. I'm not drinking diet cokes and therefore having headaches but I'm just trying to power through. Hopefully the first few days are the toughest and things will look up soon!

Anyway, that's it for today! I just wanted to update since I'd been gone so long! I'll check back later y'all!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Finish the sentence.....


Today I'm linking up with Holly  and Jake for the always fun "finish the sentence". It is the first time I've done this link-up and I'm choosing the finals week of summer classes to do it. Go figure. But I had posted anything in four days and figured this would be a great start. So, without further ado........

If I had one extra hour in my day....right now I would study. I have three tests next week.
I wish my name.....was Princess Consuela bananahammock. Favorite show EVER!
I think anything chevron is.....hmmm, I like chevron, just not wearing it.
My last nightmare....I was trying to rescue my son while at the lake. We have a lake trip coming up. Can you tell I'm petrified?
Sometimes.....oh, there are way too many 'sometimes' said in my vocabulary. 
My last meal on earth would hard. But probably pizza and birthday cake. And I would eat the ENTIRE thing!
I would much rather be super smart than look like Gisele. I envy smart people. great for head lice? Rarely use it. 
10 years ago I didn't think....I would have two babies and be trying to get into nursing school all at once.
Selfishly.....sometimes I wish I could have easy carefree days like before kids. But still have my babies of course. :)
My favorite show on TV right now....definetly RHOC! Second, RHNJ. I practically cry when there over every Sunday and Monday. 
And, George Zimmerman.....poor guy. seriously, his name is George Zimmerman. And he's not even old. I think he's gonna have some real problems in his lifetime, whatta you think??
 That's it folks! Thanks for stopping by! Y'all have been great!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Struck by Lightning.

Isn't that how the saying goes? Easier to be struck by lightning than to win the lottery. Well, lets just say this girl is lucky cause I already won 500 smackaroos with my Wheel of Fortune scratch off! Did I spend it all in one place. Yes I did. :)

Well today I'm linking up with the link-up queen Holly Where We Can Live Like Jack and Sally to talk about what I'll do when I get the jackpot. 
And yes, I'm late to the party, again. :)

First, I'm definetly buying a multiple homes. One close to family (I might even buy all of them on also) a second in Utah (close to Robert Redford, cause I think he's soooo hot for an old guy) a third on a beach (maybe two beach homes, locations unknown at the time) then the rest of the time I would stay in fabulous hotels when I travel. Cause sometimes you just want a hotel.

Second, of course, is a personal jet to fly me to all these places. I mean, come on, did you really expect someone who has multiple homes to fly coach. 

Third, would be live-in staff for all these fabulous homes I have, who I would pay generously. 

Fourth, just living a lavish lifestyle of someone who doesn't work and has it all. I would buy my children everything their little hearts desire and then some. 

And now that I've said all that I guess I won't be winning the lottery. We all know that only those who say they're gonna give to the Hungary children and puppy dogs actually wins. So, yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. ;) but for realz I probably would have an oprhange/shelter cause I tend to take all the stray puppies now and I'm poor. 


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hello Hump Day

Good to see you again. 

So, I'm taking a break from my biology reading. Right now it over 'shjbcdx gjchnch hdkvbb ncdgc fhffhvg'. Yes, that's what I feel like I'm reading. My eyes are almost burning from the cluster of DNA reproduction I'm going over. Seriously, it's broken down to the nitty gritty what's inside this tiny piece of dirt mumbo-jumbo. I think I may have to reread this chapter. Ugh. 

So, like I stated last week, I'm doing the JM 30ds with Holly @ Where we can live like Jack and Sally and Amber @ Crafty healthy Momma for their July challenge. And yes, this challenge started last Monday and yes, I'm just now getting my before stats  posted. Sue me.

My starting weight was really, really high. I've gained about 5lbs since may. 
         Blah...seriously want to vomit. 

                  And my before pics. 
   I just realized I need better before pics.
My measurements were as follows:
L -leg 24 1/2"
R-leg 24"
Waist-30 1/2"
Belly/hips 36
L-arm 12
R-arm 12 1/2
Weight 157

Compare to my last Measurements taken back in October. 
L -leg 27 1/2"
R-leg 27"
Belly 38" 
L-arm 13"
R-arm 131/2"
Weight 175.6

So there you go. I do have to say, that last week I was not very committed. I took off Thursday-Saturday. So I'm a few days behind. I know it's just 20 minutes but guudlawd sometimes I just can't! Haha. Anyhow, I'm determined to be more faithful from here until August. We rented a lake house second weekend in and I want to be a hot momma out on the lake! So wish me luck! I'm gonna need it. 
 And a selfie for good measure...because what is a good blog post without one?

Later tricks!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy day after Fourth of July!

Hello Internet world! Sorry to be MIA this week. I just couldn't find anytime to sit at a computer this week and then we headed out on Wednesday to start our early holiday. I had started a post before we left Wednesday, since babes was home, but didn't get it finished. Story of my life.

So, I have just had a great few days. As I mentioned earlier, babes decided to take some vaca time. It was so nice having him home with me and the kids! We didn't do much Wednesday. We signed at the last minute to do the Firecracker Fast Fleet 5k run so we wanted to take it easy. We packed up and went to stay at his mom's house and had Mexican for dinner. The race was scheduled for 7:30 Thursday morning so afterwards we just came back to the house. I had started a 4th outfit for Lil so I finished it up and went to bed. We were up at 6 the next morning so we would have plenty of time to get our stuff. This was a HUGE race y'all! I think there was about 1200-1500 people. I was thinking, going into it, that I could PR since it was mostly down hill. But there were quite a few hills also and if I haven't noted this before, I don't do hills. But it was fun and I finished with a 10:33 mile. 
Me and the hubs with his brother and wife!

After we finished we packed up and headed to the lake for a night of camping. I haven't camped since before Luke was born and had a great time! I love being out on the water and the weather could not have been better! 
We had a great time hanging out with friends and drinking too much since we were childless. My MIL sent me this pic of the kids that night
I made Lil's skirt and shirt. I didn't make Luke's cause I have not learned to sew or embroider yet, though it is on the list.
And me and babes hanging out on the boat. Excuse the weird face from him! I hope y'all had a great 4th of July also! 

Also I wanted to let Courtney from A Few Days in the Life of Courtsie Ann B i havent forgotten about her! It was so sweet of her to nominate yours truly for a Leibster Award which I'm very excited about. I promise I am working on it!

I also wanted to make note that I have joined up with Holly and Amber for the JM's 30DS challenge. So I have my before pics and my measurements and I plan on getting those posted soon! 
Everyone have a great weekend!


Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy, happy day!

Happy Friday, everyone! Even though I work Saturdays I still look forward to Fridays. That's what happens when you love your job and the clients you have. I've wrote before that I'm trying to get into nursing school. I'm sure you think this is crazy when you  love what you do but unfortunately "hair" does not offer enough benefits. Yes I could depend on my husband for health insurance, retirement, but I don't want to and second I want to have a job that offers payed time off/vacation. I want to be able to be home through the holidays when there out of school and also during the summer. And this is something I've always wanted to a nurse. 

So I've been taking a summer biology class and is it hard!! An average two weeks for me looks something like this:
1.  Read 5-7 chapters (about 20-25 pages) of textbook. 
2. Read 3-5 chapters of Lab textbook.
3. Class from 6-8 every Monday and Wednesday.
4. Write Two labs each week
5. Every other Sunday is a textbook exam. (So hard!! He gave a 25 point curve on the first!)
6. Every 2-3 weeks a Lab exam.

So on top of this crazy class I'm still chasing kids and working Saturdays and keeping up with the house. And trying to get in my mileage! 
                 15 miles this week!
But I have to say, it's kinda nice knowing I'm half way down with it already. Lets just hope I can manage good grades on these next two test! 
   Me heading to class Wednesday night!
Btw- I love this tank! It's from gap and its just fits perfectly! I think I'm gonna order a couple more tonight. Gap is offering a 40% off with the gap card(the only reason I own one!) 

So, my weekend is going to consist of studying tonight and then a friends house tomorrow for a fish fry(I'm gonna need a little break) and my test Sunday. Please say a prayer and wish me luck! And I'm gonna leave you with a little school humor.... Because this is exactly how I feel. 

                        Later folks!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Favorite Vacation!

Hello everyone! Hope your weekend was great! Mine was good but nothing spectacular. Luke is moving up a class at school and because of this the director suggested we work on the most awful word/phrase in toddlerhood.....Potty-training. Yes, it was horrible, and no, we did not have much break through. I'll leave it at that cause I know you really don't care that I almost went bald in three days.

On to better things.Today I'm linking up with Holly @ Where we can live like Jack and Sally. She is talking about favorite vacations. I really don't know that I can list a favorite. Babes and I traveled a lot before we had kids. Our first trip together was before we were even married. We went to Miami for a week. A year later we were married and  went to Mexico on our Honeymoon. For our one year anniversary we went back to Miami. Since then we've gone on a 9 day cruise with family to the Caribbean,  a week in Jamaica with another couple and after Luke was born we went to Destin, Florida. I had fun in Destin but going on a vacation with a 5 month old is not really a vacation. He was still waking up once a night and getting up really early. I would have to say Miami or Jamaica are top places. But I don't know where I've put my pictures for Miami so were gonna go with Jamaica.
This is babe's and I enroute to the resort. We stayed in Ocho Rios and it was about 2 hours from the resort. But we bought a couple drinks before we loaded up and it made it fun. About halfway the bus made a pit stop at the little touristy/holeinthewall place, Loading up on more drinks. Apparently it was some moonshine that they used in the mixed drink. For the record, this is not wise. By the time we made it to the resort I was ready to pass out.

                                                               Some of our views!

babe's and I before going up the falls!

Going out for dinner!
This was our last vacay before having kids. The last vacation where we drank everything we wanted and didn't have to worry about tomorrow. The most we worried about was what our dogs were doing while we were gone. Funny looking back on that now. Kids really do make your life different. But I wouldn't change it. 
Now we are renting a lake house in August for babe's BD. We've done this every year since we've been married (same house) and last year was the first we couldn't having a new baby. So I'm really looking forward to it since it's the most vacation I'll have this year. 
Also, our ten-year anniversary is less than two years away. The babies will be 4 1/2 and 3. Not sure how I'm gonna fell being away from them a week but I'd love to go somewhere really amazing. 
This is my dream spot. Bora Bora
But considering I'll still be in school and we'll still be on one income and going to Tahiti and back in a week sounds horrible I'm gonna settle for this....
So that's it folks, one of my favorite vacay's and a fantasy vacay. Thanks for the fun link-up Holly! Until next time....
