Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy, happy day!

Happy Friday, everyone! Even though I work Saturdays I still look forward to Fridays. That's what happens when you love your job and the clients you have. I've wrote before that I'm trying to get into nursing school. I'm sure you think this is crazy when you  love what you do but unfortunately "hair" does not offer enough benefits. Yes I could depend on my husband for health insurance, retirement, but I don't want to and second I want to have a job that offers payed time off/vacation. I want to be able to be home through the holidays when there out of school and also during the summer. And this is something I've always wanted to a nurse. 

So I've been taking a summer biology class and is it hard!! An average two weeks for me looks something like this:
1.  Read 5-7 chapters (about 20-25 pages) of textbook. 
2. Read 3-5 chapters of Lab textbook.
3. Class from 6-8 every Monday and Wednesday.
4. Write Two labs each week
5. Every other Sunday is a textbook exam. (So hard!! He gave a 25 point curve on the first!)
6. Every 2-3 weeks a Lab exam.

So on top of this crazy class I'm still chasing kids and working Saturdays and keeping up with the house. And trying to get in my mileage! 
                 15 miles this week!
But I have to say, it's kinda nice knowing I'm half way down with it already. Lets just hope I can manage good grades on these next two test! 
   Me heading to class Wednesday night!
Btw- I love this tank! It's from gap and its just fits perfectly! I think I'm gonna order a couple more tonight. Gap is offering a 40% off with the gap card(the only reason I own one!) 

So, my weekend is going to consist of studying tonight and then a friends house tomorrow for a fish fry(I'm gonna need a little break) and my test Sunday. Please say a prayer and wish me luck! And I'm gonna leave you with a little school humor.... Because this is exactly how I feel. 

                        Later folks!

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