Thursday, August 29, 2013

Late again...

Late as in writing. Not late as in I might be preggers. Hells no. 

So I've had a crazy week with school and all. Trying to stay ahead with homework so that had me tied up every free second I had from babies. Which isn't much. 

So, me and Lil have taken to running outside. We started this back the beginning of August when we had that random cool front come through. Ever since Lil came along I've been running on the treadmill cause it was just easier but now that I've gotten back out there I realized how much I missed it! So on days Luke goes to school(3x a week) we load up and go. And, since its so hot again we've been loading up and DRIVING to the local park where it's nice and shaded. You know, for the baby. ;)
        Me and Lil after a 3 1/2 miler!

Seriously, it's been so hard to go back to the treadmill. So on days Luke is home I usually just do strength/weights. But I'm terrible about actually getting in a good weight session so I will you tube some moves I need to do first. 

Well, while you tubing so moves this week I came across this.......
Yes, it's phase 2 but that's ok! It was hard but I knew a lot of the moves already. I mean, there's really not much I haven't seen or attempted at some point. (I just don't follow through, hehe) it was a great 35 minute workout! I've already done it twice this week AND gotten in about 7 miles. 

But! My diet has not changed. I just don't have that motivation right now, y'all. I know I've told y'all I eat when I'm stressed but I watched an episode of 'the kardashian's'(i'm so ashamed to admit that) last night and heard Khloe say she's  an 'emotional eater'. OH MY GAWSH!! It hit home. I eat with all my emotions! How do you learn to control that?! And, I feel like lately my emotions are all over the place!

I've actually thought about talking to my doctor about some anti-depressants or an anxiety medication. I don't think I'm necessarily depressed just sometimes I'm so overwhelmed it makes think I'm am? Following me there? 

Sorry, didn't mean to go so deep there. Running has always been an outlet for me but lately not so much. I think staying at home is playing a huge part in all this. I've never considered myself a sahm type. 

Just food for thought for now though. Ill try to make tomorrow post a little light! :)



Thursday, August 22, 2013

Major Fail

So Tuesday I wrote how I was trying to eat healthier but have been caving halfway through the week. 

Wednesday, I did it again. 

For some reason I just felt overwhelmed. I didn't want to exercise, I didn't want to worry about what I was eating, I just needed to not have to think about any of that. 

I'm not sure why either but I did have both kids home and neither of them wanted to sleep. And workout time is usually during nap time. 

So I tried to do a JM tape after Lil took her short nap but she wasn't having it. So I ate a bite of cake and tried not to stress over it. 

And it looks as though today is going to go the same way.  My house is a mess and the kids are driving me crazy. 

FML. Sometimes. :( 

Today I will not cave to the cake though. I had 3 turkey tacos on corn tortillas and having grilled salmon for dinner. I will behave today. And hopefully get in some squats. :) 



Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Whoa is

Look at me, writing on a Tuesday!

Today I have my first A&P class. So excited and nervous at the same time! There were a couple folks in my Biology class that were hoping to get in also, so, hoping there will be some familiar faces.

But today I'm wanting to talk about my weigh/diet.

Have you ever been at a point where you really want to break through the plateau the first part of the week and the second part of the week you convince yourself your very happy with yourself only to start back to the beginning of the week and realize you have got to get yourself under control? Holyrunonsentence.

So, yes, this is where I'm at. I desperately want to get back in the 140's but just can't seem to find the motivation. I'm still running regularly and incorporating about 20 minutes/3x's a week of strength training.

But none of that matters when you can't get your diet under control.

So that is what I'm hoping to work on starting this week(yesterday). I've done pretty well so far only slipping once to have an Oreo cookie that Luke wanted me to buy. Last night I bought a bag of Archer Farms Black and White Trail Mix. I measured half a cup and will set it out so when I need a chocolate fix, I can grab a piece or two. Hoping this will deter me from the Oreo cookies in the cabinets.

And, tonight I have class from 4-8:40 so I'm going to have to make sure I eat things that are filling right before I go in or otherwise I'll end up binging on double cheeseburgers the second I get out. Like last Saturday when I finally ended my work day without eating almost all day wolfing down a chicken fajita wrap in about 2.3 seconds. And I may be being generous with the time on that.

So, if even out there has any words of encouragement or would like to hold a gun to my head and force me to eat the right things please do so!!

Until next time...


Friday, August 16, 2013

Catching up on Life.

So sorry to be gone so long! Everyday I kept telling myself I would write and everyday the day just got away.This is my last day before school starts so I've decided to use it for ME time. Some Sex and the City reruns and blogging. LOVE!

Last week we were away on vacation and I really didn't think about writing much. I wanted to but like I said, the days went quickly. We rented a lake house about an hour from where we live. Babes and I own an ancient boat that we now only use sparingly. Back in the pre-baby days we were out almost every weekend so it was nice to have a house on the lake and get some use out of it. My sweet mother-in-law was with us and it was so nice to have the extra hands with the babies! We didn't take them out but once or twice because I tend to be a helicopter mom when around water. Seriously, not even life jackets calmed my worries.
We did have a great time despite the water worries though! We celebrated birthdays with cupcakes(because Luke thinks everyone wants cupcakes) and stayed up way too late every night!
                      Say cheese!
                   Cupcake faces!

It definetly wasn't the same as the last few times we've rented this house, with laying out in the sun all day, but I wouldn't change it. Watching my babies swimming and just having a great time was wonderful. I think even they realized it was vacation! 
               Luke and his BF Bella.

 My break from school has been fabulous but it's time to start back. This week I've been preparing for my classes. After much waiting and watching, I got into the Anatomy and Physiology class I was needing! I really did love my  Biology class so I'm looking forward to actually taking a science class and having time to learn it all and not squeeze it into an 8-week period.

So y'all really haven't missed out much here.

 My husband did axe ask if I wanted to do a weight loss challenge with him that didn't for once include sexual favors as the reward. In stead it was a dinner challenge. The person who loses has to cook, clean and bathe the kids every night for a week. I'LL TAKE IT! Lol It's 10 lbs in 6 weeks. Totally doable! 

So that it for us!

