Friday, May 31, 2013

Sometimes I just shouldn't......

Ok, let me start off by telling my dinner story from last night. Sometimes I wonder why I try. Wednesday night before class I made a meatloaf. Put it in the fridge so hubby could stick in the oven and it would be done when I got home. But I forgot to tell him to put said meatloaf in the oven. So it sat in the fridge overnight and we had Taco Bueno. In hind sight, I think that's what I was wanting to happen. HeHe. So Thursday, I stick the meatloaf in the oven because I do not like to waste food. But apparently it had been sitting too long because it was mush. I tried to make sloppy joes out of it but it just wasn't working. The hubs compared it to dog food but he's really picky so I don't think his opinion should count. ;)

On another note I did officially started back to class this week. Taking  Biology with Lab. Kinda nervous about it, it being my first lab and a summer course but I'm am determined to do this. I've decided to do nursing so I may become a little crabby on my bloggy here. That's ok, right??

I know I haven't talked about fitness all that jazz in awhile. I've been running like a bear is chasing me in the woods but just not talking about it. I have managed to get to 152(back up to 155 this morning but I know it's water :)). I've kinda hit a plateau though it this seems to be normal for me when I get to the bottom of the tens(does that make sense). It's like I have to work twice as hard just to get to the next tens but then I can go back to my not so hard schedule and still lose weight. SOOOO FRUSTRATING!! I'm am happy to say that even though I'm still in the 150's I'm wearing things I haven't worn since I weighed about 140-145. So I guess I'm doing something right!
And just for random pictures sake here is me and Lil in our matching hot pink outfits. I couldn't get her to put the bottle down for five seconds to take a pic. I'm loving being able to wear my old clothes again! It's not a great pic of them but these are my favorite jeans from Guess. I love the way they fit!
I'll try to find something more interesting to talk about tomorrow! I know there somebody out there reading this thing! Much love!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Weekend Update

Hello Everybody! After a long week with sick babies and then a sick mommy I got to have a wonderful night out with the hubs and friends. Let me start by saying what hell I had to go through to get to Saturday night though.

Wednesday morning both babies woke up with fever. Lillian is now One and this has never happened yet. We always go through the 'one has it, gives it to the other, gives it to the other, gives it to the other'....I mean seriously I could continue on that. I'm sure you know the feeling if you have kids. So we go on through the day with them fighting over who gets the center of mama's lap and one kid crying cause the other kid won out. In the middle of the nap they took turns vomiting on me. Four times I changed clothes. The house was a disaster and smelled worse. I cleaned the best I could but this mama was tired and woke up Friday feeling like crap and running fever. And I still had to take care of babies. Saturday morning I was going to work whether my clients wanted me there or not.
I just could not handle another day at home. OMG I love those babies, but at that moment to keep loving them I needed an adult night with LOTS of tequila!

So mama-in-law kept the kids and we went out for a friends birthday. We been friends since I moved here to Central Arkansas but since I've had the kids I don't get to see much of her. But she is due in October and I couldn't be happier. Hoping now that we both have kids we hang out more. Unfortunately, that's just how things go. 
Me and ta BD girl
and below, the gang I get shit-faced the most with.

Yes, I'm wearing hot pink skinnies. I bought these at Kohl's and loved them but was way too scared to wear them. They sat in my closet for a month with the plan to return them. Then I seen a post from Laura at Walking in Memphis In High Heels and decided to go for it. Since following her blog I really have wanted to be more out there with fashion. I used to love to get dressed up but having two babies really reaked havoc on my self-esteem and body. But I never want to be a frumpy mom. Life is too short for that. So I put those hot pink pants on and strutted myself into the restaurant. And yes, I got some looks. But that's ok, I'm happy I did it. I really am excited to wear them again! So later homeslices! Hope ya'll had a great weeked!