Isn't that how the saying goes? Easier to be struck by lightning than to win the lottery. Well, lets just say this girl is lucky cause I already won 500 smackaroos with my Wheel of Fortune scratch off! Did I spend it all in one place. Yes I did. :)
Well today I'm linking up with the link-up queen Holly @ Where We Can Live Like Jack and Sally to talk about what I'll do when I get the jackpot.
And yes, I'm late to the party, again. :)
First, I'm definetly buying a multiple homes. One close to family (I might even buy all of them on also) a second in Utah (close to Robert Redford, cause I think he's soooo hot for an old guy) a third on a beach (maybe two beach homes, locations unknown at the time) then the rest of the time I would stay in fabulous hotels when I travel. Cause sometimes you just want a hotel.
Second, of course, is a personal jet to fly me to all these places. I mean, come on, did you really expect someone who has multiple homes to fly coach.
Third, would be live-in staff for all these fabulous homes I have, who I would pay generously.
Fourth, just living a lavish lifestyle of someone who doesn't work and has it all. I would buy my children everything their little hearts desire and then some.
And now that I've said all that I guess I won't be winning the lottery. We all know that only those who say they're gonna give to the Hungary children and puppy dogs actually wins. So, yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. ;) but for realz I probably would have an oprhange/shelter cause I tend to take all the stray puppies now and I'm poor.
In house staff... yep... I need them too! :)