Thursday, July 11, 2013

Struck by Lightning.

Isn't that how the saying goes? Easier to be struck by lightning than to win the lottery. Well, lets just say this girl is lucky cause I already won 500 smackaroos with my Wheel of Fortune scratch off! Did I spend it all in one place. Yes I did. :)

Well today I'm linking up with the link-up queen Holly Where We Can Live Like Jack and Sally to talk about what I'll do when I get the jackpot. 
And yes, I'm late to the party, again. :)

First, I'm definetly buying a multiple homes. One close to family (I might even buy all of them on also) a second in Utah (close to Robert Redford, cause I think he's soooo hot for an old guy) a third on a beach (maybe two beach homes, locations unknown at the time) then the rest of the time I would stay in fabulous hotels when I travel. Cause sometimes you just want a hotel.

Second, of course, is a personal jet to fly me to all these places. I mean, come on, did you really expect someone who has multiple homes to fly coach. 

Third, would be live-in staff for all these fabulous homes I have, who I would pay generously. 

Fourth, just living a lavish lifestyle of someone who doesn't work and has it all. I would buy my children everything their little hearts desire and then some. 

And now that I've said all that I guess I won't be winning the lottery. We all know that only those who say they're gonna give to the Hungary children and puppy dogs actually wins. So, yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. ;) but for realz I probably would have an oprhange/shelter cause I tend to take all the stray puppies now and I'm poor. 


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