Thursday, September 5, 2013

I'm a slacker.

I have been so terrible this week and last and the week before that and that. I know I say I'm gonna write more.

When I started this blog it was to not only be a weight loss/fitness blog but this is what the kids are up to and here are all our pictures. 

But I'm so tired.

Lil is such a handful these days.Most days I can barely stay awake to get homework done, I'm just so worn out from chasing her. If possible, we no longer do things such as going to the grocery store together or shopping because she will probably start throwing a temper tantrum at some point. Most of the time this will happen because she is wanting to sit in the grocery cart or her stroller. She wants to be running around getting in to everything around us.

This all basically means I stopped doing much of anything. Except shop for groceries. Which I've done after class a few times(8!!) just to avoid taking her.

I need to desperately go shopping. I need clothes. Looks like there's gonna be alot of online shopping in my future.

Sorry for the short post. I just wanted to explain why there haven't been any. Tomorrow we are taking the kids to the county fair. I will try to make everybody look decent for a few minutes just so I can snap a pic!


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