Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Birthday Party and Update

So, I know I have been MIA lately. School has LITerally taken all my time. I swear(yes, I swear even though my mama told me not to) it was easier working 40 hours than taking 12 hours of school. Good news is I'm finishing up my final and will get a wonderful two week breather before I do it all again over summer. I will cherish those two weeks. So what else has been happening, you ask? Oh, there's nobody to ask? That's ok, I'll tell anyway since this is where I get to tell all those wonderful MOMents nobody else wants to hear about.

Miss Lil turned ONE!! Where did the time go?!! I swear just yesterday I was pushing her from my numb vagina!
Do I look happy? You better believe it. I was no longer pregnant. I know most women just Luuuvvv being pregnant. Not this gal. Yes, I love that baby and I would walk through a burning building to save her, but I absolutely hated being pregnant. I was miserable and my hormones were all over the place. I was always chasing a baby/toddler, working 4o hours and playing maid  at the same  time. If I could give up the latter two I could probably tolerate it a litte more. But then I would have to lose a hundred lbs afterwards. So it's probably just not wise to try it again. But I do love those babies.
So I wanted to put up so photos from her birthday party that I probably know I spent to much money on. Your little girl only turns one once, right?

Ballon wreath brought to you by Pinterest. Look it up, mmkkk. I did the cake or rather bought two round cakes, stacked them, and decorated. But in my opinion that's making the cake.  Ballon banner by some lady on Etsy. Theres you have it folks. By the time you add pizza my one year old had a $300 party. More than I've had. Anywhoo....
Thanks for stopping by again. Leave me a message if you come across my blog. I love hearing from people even if it's just stalking looking!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring Break Week

So spring break has been over for two weeks but I have been crazy busy since we got back. Unloading a week's worth of laundry for four people is no easy task. I had a great time hanging out with the fam but so times I wonder how worth it, it is! (I know, thats really sad) We had a great time in Branson. We ttok the kids tomSilver Dollar City. Not sure that was worth all the effort though. My sister Only had one free ticket so the hubs had to wait in line for almost an hour to get in. Which wouldn't have been horrible I'd we could have stayed long. But there were soooo many people there!! The lines were 30-40 people deep to get anything to eat not to mention that they don't make much room for strollers to get through! The worst of it though was the blizzard that was getting ready to come through. When we left on Monday morning it was still nice and the temps were suppose to be high 50's on that Wednesday. Well by Monday night the temps were slowing dropping and Tuesday there talking about This snow! What the hell?! So we still went out to the park but between the crowd(and no cell reception. Couldn't even text my family!) and weather only stayed a couple hours. I seriously didn't eat all day. But I made up for it at dinner. We did use the in door pool some which was nice. Miss L took to water great. I swear she was gonna kick herself at of my arms! Luke was the opposite never straying out of his daddy's arms. I swear that kid will jump from any height but he's afraid of water!! I am gonna post on my weight this week. I've come a long way since I posted two months ago! Ha!