So I've had a crazy week with school and all. Trying to stay ahead with homework so that had me tied up every free second I had from babies. Which isn't much.
So, me and Lil have taken to running outside. We started this back the beginning of August when we had that random cool front come through. Ever since Lil came along I've been running on the treadmill cause it was just easier but now that I've gotten back out there I realized how much I missed it! So on days Luke goes to school(3x a week) we load up and go. And, since its so hot again we've been loading up and DRIVING to the local park where it's nice and shaded. You know, for the baby. ;)
Me and Lil after a 3 1/2 miler!
Seriously, it's been so hard to go back to the treadmill. So on days Luke is home I usually just do strength/weights. But I'm terrible about actually getting in a good weight session so I will you tube some moves I need to do first.
Well, while you tubing so moves this week I came across this.......
Yes, it's phase 2 but that's ok! It was hard but I knew a lot of the moves already. I mean, there's really not much I haven't seen or attempted at some point. (I just don't follow through, hehe) it was a great 35 minute workout! I've already done it twice this week AND gotten in about 7 miles.
But! My diet has not changed. I just don't have that motivation right now, y'all. I know I've told y'all I eat when I'm stressed but I watched an episode of 'the kardashian's'(i'm so ashamed to admit that) last night and heard Khloe say she's an 'emotional eater'. OH MY GAWSH!! It hit home. I eat with all my emotions! How do you learn to control that?! And, I feel like lately my emotions are all over the place!
I've actually thought about talking to my doctor about some anti-depressants or an anxiety medication. I don't think I'm necessarily depressed just sometimes I'm so overwhelmed it makes think I'm am? Following me there?
Sorry, didn't mean to go so deep there. Running has always been an outlet for me but lately not so much. I think staying at home is playing a huge part in all this. I've never considered myself a sahm type.
Just food for thought for now though. Ill try to make tomorrow post a little light! :)