Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lots of randomness!!

So I know I said I would get back with y'all on how my doc appointment went and how much fun the wedding was but life got stressful again. Wednesday after we got back my mom had a stroke so that has involved many trips to Fayetteville. She's doing much better so think this will be my last trip up till thanksgiving.
But the craziness out of this situation is I've lost about three lbs. I know your probably wondering why that's crazy so I'll fill you in. I'm a major (like, MAJOR) stress eater. Food makes me happy. Very. I've had chocolate cake, pecan pie, mashed potatoes and gravy, BREAD. Ughh. And the only exercise I've had has been walking to and from my car to my mom's room. So that's why it's crazy. Want to hear another crazy. The way I found out. So I'm sitting here in the room with mom and apparently the bed WEIGHS you! Ha! So the nurse comes in and weighs my mom and goes 178.5. So of course, I'm like, what! Then she just comes over and presses the button and goes your ONE less lb than your mama. Now this lady does not know how fighting hard I've been trying to get baby weight off the last four months so I resisted the urge to turn around and kick her. So I wait till she leaves and take the COMPUTER(really lady :p) off the bed and my shoes and it went down to 171. So as relieved as I was I was still disappointed. So thinking about it, I took the pillows off the bed. Ha! Those suckers weighed almost four lbs! Down to 167. Swweeet! So happy to be back in the 160's! After I my brother got here to sit with mom I went for a walk around the hospital. Beautiful!! Look at these! Wish I had this to walk everyday! Anyway folks that's it for now! I'll wright more later!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about your mom, Angel! And the part about the bed weighing you made me laugh-- I'd be stripping that bed, too. :)
