Tuesday, December 11, 2012

So I have a sick baby.....

Who has thrown up on me twice in two day. Now, she isn't viral sick. She is RSV/ear inf sick. And the RSV is mild. Thankfully. So, are you asking why she threw up on me then? Why, because baby girl is just like her mama was as a child and can't take medicine. Not even liquid. Now, occasionally she does ok but this is not get first round of antibiotics and I have been thrown up on before.. Her brother is a pro and takes it like we're giving him candy so I guess I should've expected the EXACT opposite of him, you know? Ughh...anywhoo. Just ready for her to be better. After a few nights of no sleep I THINK we're getting back to normal. Now here's hoping brother(yes, we're the berenstein bears around here. Brother and sister.)doesn't get it.
Also, I know I said I'd update after thanksgiving but really....does it matter at this point? We're almost Christmas. Just know I ate to much, gained way to much and got up way to early to shop. But it was good times with the fam as usual. And here's a pic of the babies from thanksgiving. Please know my toddler put the hats on both of them. We were just fortunate to get a pic.....
Ok so no-go on the pic. Maybe another day.

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