Well life has been a little hectic here lately. My sweet Luke got sick again on Sunday and it's been a rough few days since. We've taken him to the doctor twice and oringinally they diagnosed him with strep throat but the antibiotics weren't helping so I think even they're a little confused. So they switched his antibiotic today and put him on a steriod so hopefully by morning we'll see some results. Please, please, please let's see some results. It's the hardest thing in the world watching your child be ill knowing YOU can't do anything but wait and see. For two weeks he was doing great and eating well and just being a fun 13 month old and it was so great. Since he started daycare it seems like those weeks are so few that I really love them now when he has them. I am so tired of daycare. Wish I could find a nice old lady who's retired to watch my babies for me. Guess I'll just have to keep an ear open.
On another note I did want to mention my great, even though small, savings at the grocery store this past weekend. This was supposed to be my oringinal post but after sunday night I'm still catching up on sleep. My goal is to start watching ads and using coupons to try to save us some money on groceries. I only saved us about $10 but....it was nice cause three items were FREE! One being the paper towels. Sweet! I love saving money. $10 a week=a box of diapers at the end of the month. But I can do better I know I can, so I will. I watched Extreme Couponing this week to get some tips and joined a couponing blog. Soon I'll be a true couponer! So till next time.....
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