This is me and my huney at two different weddings about 5 months apart. Can you tell the difference? We've both lost about 15 lbs. (yes I wore the same dress but I was not gonna spend another 75 bucks on a dress I don't plan on being able to wear ever again. plus it was two completely different groups of friends so nobody seen it twice!) The amazing thing is the difference in my arms! I was really hating them, so I'm glad to see them get smaller cause I never really been able to lose weight there. I do plan to start lifting weights more to see if that helps with slimming them down. I'd love to have nice arms by summer! I tend to focus on legs a lot and I still want to do that. I just want to devote some time to my arms also.
Alright, so I'm really tired ready to roll in bed. I'll type some more up this week and hopefully L will be feeling better and will let me. Laters!